Wembley and District Scottish Association

Ingredient Dances


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Onions: When I chop onions I make sure I chop them horizontally first to produce Onion Rings. This brings to mind other rings such as Diamond Rings, hence the first dance Diamond Jubilee.

 Leeks: Leeks, of course, are closely connected to Wales, where there is a dancing group named after a local range of mountains. The name of the society (for whom this dance was written) is the Black Mountain SCD Group, so the dance is The Black Mountain Reel

Butter: The obvious strathspey to do at this point would have been Butterscotch and Honey. However, my thinking was somewhat different - Butter is made in a churn so it could be termed The Flower of the Churn (Quern!)

Potatoes: Nothing too surprising here, it's the Tattie Bogle

A Bay Leaf: Another obvious one that many people guessed - Culla Bay

Salt: One for the crossword enthusiast here. Many clues use the term salt to mean The Sailor

Chicken Stock: Now I had a problem with this ingredient as I suddenly remembered I didn't have any fresh chicken stock. No matter, because for Christmas we had a nice fat goose and Caroline froze the stock. Hence we danced The Wild Geese

Thyme: Another groan-worthy play on words for this one - we did The Wind on Loch Thyme (Fyne)

Cream: Finally there was a worrying glimpse into the way my mind works as when I think of cream I think of lovely young milkmaids, especially those from Switzerland with their lovely blonde pleats and smocked dresses.........anyway, we finished with Swiss Lassie

Now, we should really have done one more dance as there is an obvious item that would be essential if anyone had been brave enough to actually eat any of my soup. However even I couldn't think of a single dance that could be inspired by Gaviscon!